
Correlational findings

Study Brown & Gray (2014): study AU 2002

16-93 aged general public, Australia, 2002, 2006, 2010
Survey name
AU-HILDA combined waves
N = 27530
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Ln(Total Debt) = Ln(Secured Debt) + Ln(Unsecured Debt)
Our Classification
A: M = 7.806; SD = 5.249
B: M = 5.389; SD = 5.954
C: M = 5.312; SD = 4.860
A: Value of total debt (ln)
= summation of secured and unsecured debt

B: Total value of secured debt (ln)
(any debt secured against a property)

C: Total value of unsecured debt (ln)
(includes all other debt held by the household, apart from any debt secured against a property)

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = -.01 p < .000 TOTAL DEBT O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d Beta-f = -.05 Beta-fix calculated by WDH team

b-fix and Beta-fix controled for:
- income
- ln(total aseets)
- age
- educational attainment
- ln(household size)
- marital status
- employment status
- self-reported health status
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = -.00 SECURED DEBT

b-fix  = -0,000477,se = 0,00453
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d Beta-f = -.00 Beta-fix calculated by the WDH team

b-fix and Beta-fix controled for:
- income
- ln(unsecured debt)
- age
- educational attainment
- ln(household size)
- marital status
- employment status
- self-reported health status
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = -.02 p < .000 UNSECURED DEBT O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d Beta-f = -.06 Beta-fex calculated by the WDH team

b-fix and Beta-fix controled for:
- income
- ln(secured debt)
- age
- educational attainment
- ln(household size)
- marital status
- employment status
- self-reported health status