
Correlational findings

Study Graham (2005): study RU 2000

14+ aged, general public, Russia, 2000
Survey name
RU-RLMS 2000
N = 8911
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Current occupation
Our Classification
Self-report on single question:
"And one more question. In finishing this part of our interview, please look at this list.
Read it carefully and say which answer best describes your primary occupation at the present time. Please choose only one answer.

1 A high school or vocational school student
2 A university or technical school student
3 Unable to work for health reasons, disabled
4 Retired and not working
5 On maternity leave
6 On official leave for looking after a child under 3 years old, not interrupting employment
7 A housewife, caring for other family members, raising children
8 Temporarily not employed for other reasons and looking
for a job
9 Temporarily not employed for other reasons and not looking for a job
10 A farmer
11 An entrepreneur
12 Working at an enterprise, organization, collective farm, state farm, or cooperative
13 Working at other than an enterprise, organization, collective farm, state farm, or cooperative
14 Other, specify:_________"

converted to:
a Student
b Retired
c Housewife
d Unemployed
e Self-employed

1 yes
0 no

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-eb b = +.20 Student O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-eb b = -.38 Retired O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-eb b = +.05 Housewife O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-eb b = -.66 Unemployed O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-eb b = +.54 Self-employed

B's controlled for:
- Age
- Gender
- Marital status
- Log equivalent income
- Years of education
- Membership of minority group
- Health index