
Correlational findings

Study Langeveld (1998): study NL 1992 /1

12-18 aged, chronic headache patients, The Netherlands, 199?
N = 64
Non Response
Multiple assesment methods
Questionnaire and diary


Authors's Label
Trait Negative affectivity (NA)
Our Classification
Measured by the "Korte Amsterdamse Biografische Vragenlijst voor Kinderen" (KABVK) Neuroticism scale, i.e. a shortenend version of the Eysenck Personality Inventory modified to be applicable with youths between 9 and 15 years of age.
Self report on diary, kept 4 weeks in which headache intensity and duration four times daily was reported, rated on a 5-point numerical scale:
0= "no headache"
1= "headache:I am only aware of it if I pay attention to it"
2= "headache, but I can ignore it at times"
3= "headache- I can't ignore it but I can do my usual activities"
4= "headache - It is difficult for me  to concentrate. I can only do easy activities"
5= "headache as such that I can't do anything".
Typical items of the KABVK Neuroticism scale are e.g.:
- Often falling asleep is hard for me;
- I am often scared that something terrible will happen to me;
- Often I feel guilty;
- Many things scare me

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-cw-sq-ol-11-a r = -31 p < .05 O-SLW-cw-sq-ol-11-a Beta = -.23 ns Beta controlled for:
- Experienced Stress (ES)
- Headache Index
- Trait Negative Affectivity*headache index
- Experienced Stress*headache index
O-SLW-cw-sq-ol-11-a Beta = -.10 ns Interaction Trait Negative Affectivity*headache index