
Correlational findings

Study Wessman & Ricks (1966): study US 1957

Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957
N = 21
Non Response
Mood diary kept 30 days.


Authors's Label
Tranquility vs anxiety
Our Classification
Related specification variables
Repeated closed question on 'how calm or troubled you felt', rated on a 10-point scale:

10. Perfect and complete tranquility.
    Unshakably secure.
9. Exceptional calm, wonderfully secu-
    re and carefree.
8. Great sense of well-being. Essenti-
    ally secure, and very much at ease.
7. Pretty generally secure and free
    from care.
6. Nothing particularly troubling me
    More or less at ease.
5. Somewhat concerned with minor wor-
    ries or problems. Slightly ill at
    ease, a bit troubled.
4. Experiencing some worry, fear,
    trouble or uncertainty. Nervous,
    jittery, on edge.
3. Considerable insecurity. Very
    troubled by significant worries,
    fears, uncertainties.
2. Tremendous anxiety and concern.
    Harassed by major worries and
1. Completely beside myself with dread
    worry, fear. Overwhelmingly dis-
    traught and apprehensive. Obsessed
    or terrified by insoluble problems
    and fears.

Scale scored each night for the highest, lowest and average experience of the day.
(Wessman & Ricks Tranquility vs Anxiety Scale)

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-ARE-md-sqr-v-10-b r = + p < .05 The means of the lowest, average and highest daily scores were correlated with the mean daily average score on the Elation-Depression Scale (AFF 3.1) during 6 weeks.

Daily highest   : r = +.66 (05)
Daily average   : r = +.89 (05)
Daily lowest    : r = +.76 (05)