
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » SPORTS » Current sporting » Involvement in sports

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SPORTS Current sporting Involvement in sports
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engagement, practice

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Level of participation in sports General Public, Netherlands, 2015 Association with sport club Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003 Association with sport club Working people, Spain, 1999-2004 Readiness to spend your free time on sports, physical education 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2018 Readiness to spend free time on sports, physical education 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2015 Readiness to spend free time on sports, physical education 18+ aged general public., Kazakhstan, 2017 Participated in any sport in the last 4 weeks 16+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2006 Activities outside home 50-82 aged middle class women, Spain, 200? play sport/exercise 16+ aged, general public, Scotland, 2009 Time spend with: sports 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001