
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » NATION: GEOGRAPHY » Current geographical conditions in nation » Urbanization in nation

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NATION: GEOGRAPHY Current geographical conditions in nation Urbanization in nation
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Related special publics
city, town

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding % Urban population Adults, general public, 48 nations, around 1990 Urbanization Adults, general public, 65 nations, 1995 and 1997 Urbanisation 15+ aged, general public, EU 14 member states, 1973-2001 Urbanization 14+ aged, general public EU nations 1979-1994 Degree of urbanization 50+ aged, general public, 16 European nations, 2012 Urban/rural Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008