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Correlational Subjects » MARRIAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF MARITAL STATUS » Earlier marital states » Earlier marital transitions » Ever divorced/separated

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MARRIAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF MARITAL STATUS Earlier marital states Earlier marital transitions Ever divorced/separated
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Redivorced Divorced, members of singles organization Dayton, Ohio, USA, 1985 Own divorce/separation 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Divorce/separation from first partner Young adults, followed from age 18 to 30, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Continuously married Couples, USA, followed 12 years, 1980-1992 Divorced Employed females, USA , 2004 Number of separations 20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002 Marital history/single after divorce 70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993 Marital history/single, divorced 55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992 Marital Status 60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004 Recovery from separation Divorced, United Kingdom, followed 1991-2008 Marital status 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed 9 years, 2004-2012 Marital status 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Separation effect Mothers, Germany, followed 1984 - 2011