
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MARRIAGE: CURRENT MARITAL STATUS » Non-married states (compared mutually) » Widowed

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MARRIAGE: CURRENT MARITAL STATUS Non-married states (compared mutually) Widowed
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death of spouse, widowhood

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Widowed 50+ aged, Winnipeg,Canada, 1985 Household composition 18+ aged, general public, Germany, 1995 Widowed 15+ aged, general public, Europe, 13 EU nations, 2002-2009 Marital Status 18+ aged, general public, 39 nations, 1990-2001 Widowed 6000+ adults, aged 15 to 75, Ukraine Spousedie Elderly, Taiwan, folowed 14 years 1989-2003, before and after change health insurance law in 1995 Marital state 15-75 aged, Ukraine, followed 4 years, 2003-2007, Widow-divorced vs. single 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Turkey, 2013 Marital status 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed 9 years, 2004-2012 Widowed 18+ aged, general public, 34 European nations, 2011-2012 Widowed vs. single 15+ aged, general public, Thailand, 2013 Widowed Adults, China, 2002 Parent: Widowed Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013 widowed 18+ aged, general public, China, 2002 Marital status 16+ aged, United States of America, 1973 - 1998 Marital status +15 aged, general public, Canada, 1985-1998 Marital Status 15+ aged general public, 16 EU countries 1983-2013 marital status 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009 Family status 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Marital status 15+ aged rural living, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, 2005 Family status - Widowed 50+ aged, rural Vietnam, 2011 Civil status Elderly migrants, Italy 2011 - 2012