
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS » Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole » Single aspect evaluations (on criteria of good life) » Exiting (vs dull)

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LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS Aspect judgements of one's life as a whole Single aspect evaluations (on criteria of good life) Exiting (vs dull)
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life seen as boring, in life-as-a-whole

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Excitement 18+ aged males, living with family, USA, 1973 need for an exciting and varied life 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 fulfilment of the need for an exciting and varied life 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Life of engagement Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008 Passion for life Cancer out-patients, Warsaw, Poland, 2008