
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HOUSING » Development of housing » Change in housing » Change from rent to owner

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HOUSING Development of housing Change in housing Change from rent to owner
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Owner house/apartment 16+ aged general public, Germany, followed 1-26 years, 1984-2010 Home ownership Home buyers and controls, Baltimore, USA, followed 18 months 1992-93 Change to owner 18+ aged, heads of low-income households, Baltimore city, United States, followed 36 months, 1989-1991 Form of tenure 18+ aged, heads of low-income households, Baltimore city, United States, followed 18 months, 1989 Home owner 18+ aged general public, Germany, followed 21 years, 1985-2006 Own house Working aged, South-Korea, followed 10 years 1998-2008 Ownership/tenancy +15 aged, urban households,South Korea, followed 12 years 2000-2012