
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HOUSEHOLD: WORK » Current household-work » Division of household-work » Shared household-tasks

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HOUSEHOLD: WORK Current household-work Division of household-work Shared household-tasks
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Having paid house- hold help Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 Getting household assistance from children or husband Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 Division of house- hold task Recently separated, Pennsylvania.USA, followed 2 years, 1977-79 division of labor between spouces 15+ aged, general public West Germany, 1984-2000 Number of shared household tasks Dual career parents in four European cities, 200? Feminine chores performed by father Mothers with children age 4-10, USA,1980 Fathers participation in family work Mothers with children age 4-10, USA,1980 Husband's supportiveness Mothers of young child, rural areas, Cameroon, 196? Percentage share of housework Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007 Division of household labor Housewives whose husbands had retired within past two years. USA, 197? Housework hours of father Mothers with <6 aged children, Germany, followed 5 years 2007 - 2012