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Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL » Current medical treatment » Technique(s) of medical treatment » Organ transplantation » Organ reception » Actual transplantation

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HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL Current medical treatment Technique(s) of medical treatment Organ transplantation Organ reception Actual transplantation
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Renal transplantation_C Adult renal patients, followed before and after transplant, USA, 1970-73 Renal transplantation_A Adult renal patients, followed before and after transplant, USA, 1970-73 Renal transplantation_B Adult renal patients, followed before and after transplant, USA, 1970-73 Earlier happiness Adult renal patients, followed before and after transplant, USA, 1970-73 Renal transplantation_B 8-20 aged renal (ex-)patients and controls, USA, 1972-1973 Renal transplantation_A 8-20 aged renal (ex-)patients and controls, USA, 1972-1973 Treatment for renal failure Endstage renal patients, U.K. 198? Renal transplant Endstage renal patients, U.K. 198? Transplantation 18-22 aged transplant patients, Spain, 2004