
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL » Current medical treatment » Success of medical treatment

Classification path
HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL Current medical treatment Success of medical treatment
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Related special publics
medical effectiveness, healing, recovery

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding positive and negative sequale Adult bone marrow transplantation survivors, USA. 1991 success of fertility treatment Female fertility patients, Great Britain, 1977-80 Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15 Female Genital Self Image Scale (FGSIS) Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15 Patient reported functional result Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15 Patient reported esthetic result Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15