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Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL » Current medical treatment » Illness treated » Gender dysphoria: medical sex reassignment » Technique of sex reassignment

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HEALTH: TREATMENT MEDICAL Current medical treatment Illness treated Gender dysphoria: medical sex reassignment Technique of sex reassignment
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hormonal, surgical

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Testosterone administration and sex reassignment surgery FTM transsexuals followed for 5 years since start of treatment, 2001-2008, Netherlands and Germany surgery (vs not) Transgender people, Australia and New Zealand, 2006-7 Change happiness after hormone treatment (vs baseline) Trans women on hormone replacement therapy followed 1 year, Italy, 201? Hormone treatment (CPA vs Leu) Trans women on hormone replacement therapy followed 1 year, Italy, 201? Change happiness after hormone treatment (vs baseline) Transgender men on testosterone treatment, followed 5 years, Italy, 201? Stage of treatment for sex reassignment Transgender people and cisgender controls, Russia, 201? Hormone treatment (TU vs TE) Transgender men on testosterone treatment, followed 5 years, Italy, 201? Change happiness after one year of hormone treatment (vs before) Transgender men on hormone therapy, Italy, 201? Testosterone treatment (TU vs T-gel vs TE) Transgender men on hormone therapy, Italy, 201?