
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » EDUCATION » Development of one's education » Earlier education » Earlier educational level

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EDUCATION Development of one's education Earlier education Earlier educational level
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earlier education

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Level of education 15-60 aged, general public, followed 12 month, The Netherlands, 1967-77 Education Recently separated, Pennsylvania.USA, followed 2 years, 1977-79 Earlier education 58-63 aged unmarried, followed 10 years, USA, 1969-1979 Education Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72 Education 60+ aged, USA, followed 3 years 1986-1989 Level of Education Adults, general public, USA, 1994 Level of education 45-55 aged Indian women in menopause, Delhi, India and Birmigham, UK. 200? Education General public, 14 cities, China, 2005 Education 16+ aged general public, Germany, followed 5 years, 2003-2008 Education General Public, China, 2013-2017 education 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009