
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » EDUCATION » Current education

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EDUCATION Current education
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actual, present, prevailing, ongoing

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Educational level 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Education Military, airforce, low rank maintenance jobs, USA, 196? Education 18-40 aged, schizophrenics, Canada,199? Education Voters, before and after presidential election, USA, 2000 Education Residents retirement community, USA, 1998 Education 18+ aged, general public, USA, 2008 Education Adult general population, City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 1997 Education 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977-2006 Educational attainment High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971 Education 16+ aged, general public, Wales, UK, 2007-2010 Education 25-65 aged,general public, southwest Sweden, 2012 Education 15+ aged, general public, 17 developed nations, 1990 Education 50-95 aged, married, with children, USA,1980 Education Working people, 20 European countries, 2004. Education 18+ aged general public, Russia, followed 3 years 1993-1995 D_study school / change education Working age people, UK, followed 10 years 1996-2006 Education Working age people, UK, followed 10 years 1996-2006 Education 15-60 aged, urban population, Ghana, followed 7 years, 2004-2010 Educational attainment 25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002 Education Housewives whose husbands had retired within past two years. USA, 197? Education Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Education Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994