
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » AGE » Development of age » Change age

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AGE Development of age Change age
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ageing, maturation

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Got older Young adults, followed from age 18 to 30, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Age 15+ aged general public, Germany, 1986-2007 Age 16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 10 years, 1996-2006 Age 16+ aged, employees, Michigan USA, followed 4 years, 1973-1977 Overtime correlations of life-satisfaction total sample 18+ aged general public West-Germany, followed 10 years, 1984-1994 Age 18+aged, working people, Sweden, followed 9 years, 1991-2000 Age Working age people, UK, followed 10 years 1996-2006 Change in Life Satisfaction 79 + aged men, Canada, followed 5 years, 200-2005 Age 14+ aged general public, Switserland, followed 12 years 1999-2012 age 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009 Aging 40-85 aged, Norway, followed 10 years, 2007-2017 Age 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Survey year 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Year of measurement Male public sector workers, close to pre-retirement, age, facing change in pension rights, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Wave Social welfare professionals, United States, followed 5 years 1992-1997 Ageing 50+ aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011 Age 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-1987