Study Kirchler (1984b): study AT 1983
- Public
- Unemployed, followed 6 months after job loss, Linz Austria, 1983
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 31
- Non Response
- Dropout due to refusal 23%
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Highly structured mood diary, questionnaire and personal interview
- Authors's Label
- Personality structure
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- Three types derived from scores on
German version of the Cattel 16 PF test
(Schneewind et al 1987)
Happiness assessed at four times after
falling unemployed:
T1 1 month
T2 2 month
T3 3 month
T4 6 month
Observed Relation with Happiness
-Social sensitive dependents Mt' = 7.94
-Self-assured dominants Mt' = 8.51
-Insecure-submissive types Mt' = 7.70
This pattern remains largely identical from T1
to T4, both among Ss who remain unemployed and
who find a job. After becoming re-employed insecure-submissive Ss improved most in happiness (Ms' = 9.15)