Study Mussen et al. (1980): study US 1930
- Public
- Mothers, followed from age 30 to 70, Berkeley, USA, 1930-70
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 81
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Extensive interviews between age 30 and 70
- Authors's Label
- Earlier happiness
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Guidance group only (N=53)
- Operationalization
- Rating of cheerfulness (vs gloomy) on 7 point scale by independent interviewers
T1 (1930): Rating by two independent interviewers:
- clinical psychologist on the basis of an interview, and
- social worker on the basis of observations during visits at home and during tests of the child at university
T2 (1970): Rating by one interviewer on the basis of an extensive interview
Observed Relation with Happiness
T2: M=3.7 SD=1.2 Mt'=4.51
T2: M=3.6 Sd=1.3 Mt'=4.34