Study Renne (1974): study US Alameda County, California 1965
- Public
- 20+ aged, general public, Alameda County, California, USA, 1965
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 6928
- Non Response
- 14%
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
administered at home
- Authors's Label
- Social health
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Level of happiness in average ridits (RT)
- Operationalization
- Index containing:
- employability (including educational
level, occupational level, and job
- marital satisfaction
- sociability (including number of
close relatives and friends, and
frequency of contacts)
- community involvement (including
church attendance, political activi-
ty, and organizational memberships)
Observed Relation with Happiness
2:Second quartile RT= .49
3:Third quartile RT= .55
4:Fourth quartile (high health) RT= .64
Ridit analysis compares the distribution in a category with the distribution in the entire sample. RT above .50 means relatively high happiness, RT below .50 relatively low.
(Original values substracted from 1 by ns in order to indicate higher happiness by higher values).