
Correlational findings

Study Symonds (1937): study US 1935

High school pupils and college students, USA, 193?
N = 1651
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Our Classification
Related specification variables
15-item inventory of closed questions on interests in:

1. Health

2. Sex

3. Safety

4. Money

5. Mental hygiene

6. Study habits

7. Recreation

8. Personal and moral qualities

9. Family relationships

10. Manners

11. Personal attractiveness

12. Daily schedule

13. Civic interests

14. Getting along with others

15. Philosophy of life

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = - ns College students only: L-shaped curve: significant among unhappier students only. A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = - ns College students only: L-shaped curve: significant among unhappier students only. A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = + High school students only: U-shaped curve: students of 'average' happiness being most inte-
rested in personal attractiveness.
A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = + High school students only: U-shaped curve: students of 'average' happiness being most inte-
rested in personal attractiveness.
A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = - s High school students only

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = - s High school students only

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = + s College students only: L-shaped curve: stronger among unhappier students. A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = + s College students only: L-shaped curve: stronger among unhappier students. A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = ns

A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b SNR = + s College students only: L-shaped curve: stronger positive among unhappier students. A-AOL-g-sq-v-7-b DM = + s College students only: L-shaped curve: stronger positive among unhappier students.