Study Adler & Golan (1981): study IL 1978
- Public
- Female telephone operators, working in metropolitan offices, Israel, 1977-78
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 131
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Followed by attendance observation over the next year.
- Authors's Label
- Absence from work
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Attendance between T1 and T2 (1978) Happiness assessed at T1 (december 1977);
- Operationalization
- Monthly attendance records, kept by the
company, for each employee for the 12 months of 1978.
A. Lateness: sumscore of:
a.Number of days late.
b.Average minutes late per month.
'Late' is defined as arriving more than 7 minutes after start of
scheduled shift.
B. Time late
C. Unexcused absence
The number of days absent without a medical excuse.
D. Medical absence
The number of days the employee was
absent with a certified medical excuse.
E. Total absence
The total number of scheduled work days
(excluding vacations or holidays) that the
employee did not appear.
Observed Relation with Happiness
The correlations between T1 happiness and absence in the last half year of 1978 (6 months) are identical.