Study Wessman (1956): study US 1946
- Public
- 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946
- Survey name
- Gallup poll
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2377
- Non Response
- -
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured interview
- Authors's Label
- Meaning attached to the word "happiness"
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Operationalization
- Open-ended question: "Will you tell me in your own words what the word "happiness" means to you?
0: Other meanings
1: Meaning mentioned.
a: Contented, being adjusted to one's surrounding, freedom from worry
b: Marriage, family, children, having a happy home life
c: Health
d: Money, having enough to get along on
e: Success in chosen work, achievement security
f: Understanding people, making other people happy, being unselfish
g: Getting along with people, congeniality, good friends
h: Having fun, enjoyment
i: Religion, obeying God's will
j: Love, affection
k: No opinion