Study Wilson (1965): study US 1960
- Public
- College students, undergraduates, Hawaii, USA, 196?
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 101
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Questionnaire completed in class
- Authors's Label
- Sexual conflict.
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- For questions used see under 'Liberality of Sexual Attitudes' (S 3.1) and 'Perceived Liberality of Sexual Attitudes of Others' (S 3.2)
- Operationalization
- Discrepancy between various scores indicative of sexual liberality:
a. Discrepancy between liberality of
one's ideal sexual attitude and
liberality of one's pragmatic sexual
b. Discrepancy between liberality of
one's pragmatic sexual attitude and
perceived liberality of sexual atti-
tude of one's peer group.
c. Discrepancy between liberality of
one's ideal sexual attitude and per-
ceived liberality of sexual attitude
of one's peer group.
d. Discrepancy between liberality of
one's pragmatic sexual attitude and
perceived liberality of sexual atti-
tude of one's parents.
e. Discrepancy between liberality of
one's ideal sexual attitude and per-
ceived liberality of sexual attitude
of one's parents.
f. Discrepancy between perceived libe-
rality of sexual attitudes of one's
peers and one's parents.