Study Hunsberger (1985): study CA 1982
- Public
- 65+ aged, general public, Ontario Canada, 1982
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 85
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured personal interview
- Authors's Label
- Christian orthodoxy
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- 24-item Christian Orthodoxy Scale
(Fullerton and Hunsberger, 1982);
answers were rated on a scale from
-3 to +3 (strongly disagree to strongly agree). Keying of all negatively-worded items is reversed.
Typical items are:
1. God exists as: Father, Son and Holy
4. The Bible is the word of God given
to guide man to grace and
8. The Bible may be an important book
of moral teaching, but it was no
more inspired by God than were many
other such books in the history of
9. The concept of God is an old
superstition that is no longer
needed to explain things in the
modern era.
16. Despite what many people believe,
there is no such thing as a God who
is aware of Man's actions.
21. There is a God who is concerned
with everyone's actions.
Observed Relation with Happiness
rated higher by high orthodox than by low orthodox.
Earlier happiness (as rated on the same chart) is also rated higher by high orthodox than by low orthodox.