
Correlational findings

Study Shichman & Cooper (1984): study US 1979

Adults, students and churchmembers, USA, 197?
N = 217
Non Response
5,9 %
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Sex Role
Our Classification
Ss rated their characteristic behavior on the 60 item Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1974).All 60 items (adjectives) refer to socially desirable behavior: 20 to typically male ones (e.g. dominant, decisive), 20 to typically female ones (e.g. sensitive, yielding) and 20 to sex neutral foels (e.g. loyal, honest).
Ss were classified according to their average scores on these dimensions.
- Masculine: above median of male ad-
  jectives, below median of female
- Feminine: above median of female ad-
  jectives, below median of male ones.
- Androgynous: above medians of both
  male and female adjectives.
- Undifferentiated: below median of
  both male and female adjectives.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = -.34 p < .07 Feminine:    - androgynous vs feminine. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.36 p < .07              - undifferentiated vs feminine. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = -.02 p < .05              - all others vs feminine.
O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.02 p < .07 Masculine:   - feminine vs masculine. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.38 p < .07              - undifferentiated vs masculine. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.01 p < .05              - all others vs masculine.
O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.63 p < .06 Androgynous  - undifferentiated vs androgynous. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a r = +.32 p < .001              - feminine or masculine vs androgyn. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.33 p < .06              - feminine or masculine vs androgyn. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = +.46 p < .05              - all others vs androgynous.
O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = -.37 p < .06 Undiffert:   - masculine or feminine vs undiff. O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a G = -.49 p < .05              - all others vs undifferentiated.