Study Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1974
- Public
- Adults, general public, West-Germany, 1974
- Survey name
- DE-Allensbacher Survey
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2029
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Happiness
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Happiness measure type O-HP
- Operationalization
- When somebody should say about you: "This person is very happy"; is he right or wrong?
3 right
2 fifty - fifty
1 wrong
0 difficult to say
Observed Relation with Happiness
Stating to be happy in spite of unhappy appearance is rather exeptional (7%), the reverse more common (38%).
The discrepancy between appearance and statement
is greatest in the manual profession.