Study Fengler et al. (1983): study US Vermont 1978
- Public
- Elderly, Vermont, USA, 1978
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1400
- Non Response
- < 10%
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Interview at home of respondent. Interviewers were mostly women with some advanced education. All interviewers had received a training.
- Authors's Label
- Rsquare
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- a Consonance of correlation with Enthusiasm and Detachtment
b Population density in vicinity
c Perceived adequacy of healh
d Perceived ease of transportation
e Availability of someone to care for respondent
f Perceived quality of housing
Observed Relation with Happiness
Negative affect (Detachment) R2 = .24