
Correlational findings

Study Fletcher & Marvell (2023): study GB 2018

Employed, United Kingdom, 2018
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 196
Non Response
Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)


Authors's Label
Psychological safety
Our Classification
Adapted organisation-focused sychological safety scale by Edmondson, 1999):
Range 1-7. M=4.45, SD=1.16
Self-report on seven questions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
A If you make a mistake in this organisation, it is often held against you (reverse-coded)
B People in this organisation are able to bring up problems and tough issues
C People in this organisation sometimes reject others for being different (reverse-coded)
D It is safe to take a risk in this organisation
E It is difficult to ask other people in this organisation for help (reverse-coded)
F No-one in this organisation would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts
G Working with other people in this organisation, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilised.

1: strongly disagree
7: strongly agree

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLu-g-sq-v-5-j r = +.18 p < .01 O-SLu-g-sq-v-5-j Beta = -.01 ns Beta = -0.01 (ns), CI = [-0.195, 0.151] controled for:
- extent of transition
- quality of work relationships.