
Correlational findings

Study Guo et al. (2019): study US Chicago 2011

60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013
Survey name
N = 3138
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
Interviews were conducted at respondents’ homes by bilingual interviewers.


Authors's Label
Sense of community
Our Classification
Error Estimates
Cronbach's α is .69.
12-item Sense of Community Index (Perkins, Florin, Rich, Wandersman, & Chavis, 1990) was used to measure sense of community. The sum scores ranged from 19 to 58, with higher scores reflecting greater levels of sense of community.
M: 40.65, SD: 5.40
1. I think my [block] is a good place for me to live.
2. People on this [block] do not share the same values.
3. My [neighbors] and I want the same things from the [block].
4. I can recognize most of the people who live on my [block].
5. I feel at home on this [block].
6. Very few of my [neighbors] know me.
7. I care about what my [neighbors] think of my actions.
8. I have no influence over what this [block] is like.
9. If there is a problem on this [block] people who live here can get it solved.
10. It is very important to me to live on this particular [block].
11. People on this [block] generally don’t get along with each other.
12. I expect to live on this [block] for a long time.

1: True
0: False

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-QL?-?-sq-v-4-a r = +.21 p < .001 O-QL?-?-sq-v-4-a OR = 1.09 p < .001 OR controlled for:
- Age of migration
- Sexe
- Married
- Family oriented migration
- Living with children
- Number of friends
O-QL?-?-sq-v-4-a OR = 1.09 p < .001 OR additionally controlled for:
- Education
- Income
- Health insurance
- ADL difficulties
- IADL difficulties
- Years in the United States
- Level of acculturation