
Correlational findings

Study Shapiro & Lambert (1999): study US 1987

Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994
Survey name
US-NSFH combined waves
N = 844
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Change happiness after recent divorce
Our Classification
Related specification variables
Marital status  between T1 and T2 (2 years)
1: Divorced
    a: lives with with child
    b: does NOT live with child
0: Continously married (reference)

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-c-sq-n-7-b DM = - p < .0.5 CHANGE happiness after divorce  M        SD
- lives with with child    
  T1:                           5,35     1,26
  T2:                           4,56*    1,94
  difference                   -0,79    +0,78
- Does not live with child
  T1:                           5,08*    1,26
  T2:                           5,27     1,94
  difference                   +0,19    +0,78
Continously married
  T1:                           5,57     1,17
  T2:                           5,36     1,22
  difference                   -0,21    +0,05

* = difference with continuously married significant (05). All other differences ns
O-HL-c-sq-n-7-b = FATHERHOOD after recent divorce O-HL-c-sq-n-7-b b = -.76 p < .001 Lives with child after divorce (vs continously married) O-HL-c-sq-n-7-b b = +.25 ns Does NOT live with child after divorce (vs continously married)

b values controled for:
- Fathers's characteriistics
  - age
  - income (lagged)
  - education
  - ethnicity
  - first marriage
  - number of children
  - months separated
  - relationship with ex-spouse
- Focal child characteristics
  - Male
  - age
- Father-child relationship at T1