Study Bryukhanov & Fedotenkov (2017): study RU 2003
- Public
- 13+ aged, general public, Russia, 2003
- Survey name
- RU-RLMS 2003
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 3742
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
- Authors's Label
- Believer
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Instrumented variables for IV regressions not reported
- Distribution
- M = 0.7, SD = 0.46
- Operationalization
- Self-report on question: "what do you think about religion?"
5: you are a believer
4: you are more a beliver than a non believer
3: you are more a non believer than a believer
2: you are a non believer
1: you are an atheist
- do not know
-: do not want to answer
1: believer (a + b)
0: a non believer (c, d, e, f, g)
This scale was transformed in binary one, where 1 is Attitudes towards religion = 4 or 5 and means participant is a believer, 0 is others and means that a participant is a non believer.
Observed Relation with Happiness
- gender
- age
- ages squared
- self rated health
- married
- parenthood
- education
- employment
- family income
- perception of welfare
- owns house
- owns car
- changes in income
- average happiness of family members
- urban settlement
- average income in region
- gender (Male = 1)
- age
- age squared / 100
- self-estimated health status
- married
- parenthood
- total years of schooling
Instumented variables not reported