Study Gall et al. (1997): study US 1971
- Public
- University students, USA, 1971
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 86
- Non Response
- -
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
And content analysis
- Authors's Label
- Mood variability, day to day
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Adapted Wessman & Ricks (1966) Elation-Depression Scale Happines question type A-ARE
- Operationalization
- Standard deviation of the daily happiness reported each day during 6 weeks on single question:
On the average, how happy or unhappy did you feel today....?
1 Extremely unhappy. Utterly depressed. Completely down.
2 Very unhappy. Depressed. Spirits very low.
3 Pretty unhappy. Somewhat 'blue'. Spirits down.
4 Mildly unhappy. Just a little low.
5 Barely unhappy. Just this side of neutral.
6 Barely happy. Just this side of neutral.
7 Mildly happy. Feeling fairly good and somewhat cheerful.
8 Pretty happy. Spirits high. Feeling good.
9 Very happy. Feeling really good. Elated.
10 Extremely happy. Feeling ecstatic, joyous, fantastic.