Study Perelli-Harris et al. (2022): study UA 2018
- Public
- 18-49 aged refugees,, Ukriane, 2018
- Survey name
- UA-Ukraine Comparative Housing Experiences and Social Stability Survey 2011
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1600
- Non Response
- 71,8%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- R square
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- A: Individual characteristics
a: reason for displacement
b; age
c: gender
d: edication
e: language spoken at home
f:: marital status
g: has any children
h: living arrangement
i: number of people one can ask for help
j: employment status
k: household income
l: durable goods
m: home owner
n: have own room
o: living space per capita
p: housing amenities
q: housing conmfort:
B; Refugee residence type