Study Perelli-Harris et al. (2022): study UA 2018
- Public
- 18-49 aged refugees,, Ukriane, 2018
- Survey name
- UA-Ukraine Comparative Housing Experiences and Social Stability Survey 2011
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1600
- Non Response
- 71,8%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Locality type
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- The Donetsk area in most eastern Ukraine was under Russian rule in 2018. Refugees to that area are maily Russian
- Operationalization
- Urban area in Ukraine
a: Kyiv city
b: Lviv city
c: big easter cities
d; small eastern cities
e: cities in Donetsk (reference)
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Kyiv city b = -.28 (010
- Lviv city b = -.09 (ns)
- big easter cities b = -.20 (01)
- small eastern cities b = -.02 (ns)
b controled for
- socio-demographics
- age
- higher education
- gender
- language spoken at home
- family / network
- marital status
- children
- household
- people available for help
- economic status
- employment
- household income
- durable goods
- housing status
- owner of house
- own room in house
- living space per capita
- amenities
- comfort