Study DeHart et al. (2022): study NL 2020
- Public
- 16+ aged, general public, Netherlands 2020
- Survey name
- NL-Geloof en Zingeving (Belief and Meaning survey)
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 4245
- Non Response
- 23%
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
integrated in LISS panel 2020
- Authors's Label
- need to think about meaning of life
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- 3: 30%; 2: 36%; 1; 27%
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on statement: Now and then I feel the need to think about the meaning of my life
3: Yes, applies to me
2: Applies partly, partly not
1: No, does not apply to me
Observed Relation with Happiness
Applies partly, partly not M = 7,50 SD = 1.30
No, does not apply to me M = 7.56 SD = 1.36
- difference yes-no -0.02