Study Frone et al. (2018): study DE 2015
- Public
- Workers, Germany, 2015-2017
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 439
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
two minor changes concerning items and response anchors were made to the original English version of the Three-Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (Frone & Tidwell, 2015)
- Authors's Label
- Tense arousal
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Cronbach's alpha = 0.77
- Remarks
- Multidimensional Mood Questionnaire (Steyer, Schwenkmezger, Notz, & Eid, 1997)
- Distribution
- Mean = 3.31; SD = 1.16
- Operationalization
- Self report on how tense they were at that moment:
1 = definitely not
2 = not
3 = not really
4 = a little
5 = very much
6 = extremely