
Correlational findings

Study Apouey et al. (2018): study AU 2001

50-74 aged, Australia, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2014.
Survey name
AU-HILDA combined waves
N = 8154
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Health shock: Unexpected change self-assessed health
Our Classification
Assessed yearly T1 to T14 Health 'shock' is unexpected change in health
SAH is worse:  male= 20%, female= 20%
SAH the same:  male= 63%, female= 62%
SAH is better:  male= 17%, female= 18%
Related specification variables
Combination of   
-  Expected change in health
-  Actual change in self-assessed health (SAH)

A. Unexpected worse health (reference)
B. Unexpected same health
C. Unexpected better health
D. Expected worse health
E. Expected same/better health; actual same
F. Expected same/ better health; actual better

Based on response to 2 questions
"How true of false is [each of] the following statement for you? I expect my health to get worse.”"
2: Same or Better
1: Don’t know
0: Get worse

"In general, would you say that your health is?"
caculate CHANGE between the waves(t and t+1).
2: Better
1: Same
0: Worse

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = + p < .01 T1-T14 CHANGE happiness by UNexpected UNCHANGED health (vs Unexpected worse health)      
- male:   b-fix= +.09(01)   
- female: b-fix= +.10(01)
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = + p < .01 T1-T14 CHANGE happiness by UNexpected CHANGE to better health (vs UNexpected worse health)     
- male:   b-fix= +.10(01)   
- female: b-fix= +.14(01)
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = - 01/ns T1-T14 CHANGE happiness by Expected CHANGE to worse health (vs UNexpected worse health)
- male:   b-fix= -.11(01)   
- female: b-fix= -.01(ns)
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = + p < .01 T1-T14 CHANGE happiness by Expected UNCHANGE or CHANGE to better (vs UNexpected worse health)
- male:   b-fix= +.13(01)   
- female: b-fix= +.12(01)
O-SLW-u-sq-n-11-d b-fix = + p < .01 T1-T14 CHANGE happiness by Expected UNCHANGE of health (vs Expected worse health)
- male:   b-fix= +.17(01)   
- female: b-fix= +.21(01)

b-fix controlled for T1-T14 CHANGE in:
- employmewnt
  - not completely retired
  - never worked
- age, age squared
- marital status
- household size
- education
- hosehold income(log)
- years

Similar pattern when change in health is measured using
- Question on retrospective change in happiness
  Compared to one year ago, how would you rate
  your health now? Better/same/worse
- Change respnses on SF-36 health questionaire
  - physical health component
  - mental health component