
Correlational findings

Study Olivera & Ponomarenko (2017): study ZZ Europe 2006

50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011.
Survey name
N = 15389
Non Response
Interview: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)


Authors's Label
pension insecurity
Our Classification
Using pricipal component analysis to aggregate the items, tthe first component labeled as pension insecurity. This component explains 74.5% of the variance.
M=0.48, SD=0.31
Related specification variables
Self report on 2 questions:
A: Perceived chance of pension reduction:
What are the chances that before you retire the government will reduce the pension which you are entitled to?
B. Chance of retirement age increase:
What are the chances that before you retire the government will raise your retirement age?

Ranged from 0 to 1

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = -.05 p < .01 Hapiness by insecurity about future public pension
A. Chance of pension reduction  Beta: -.06 (01)
B. Chance of age increase       Beta: -.03 (05)
O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = - Specification by closeness to retirement
         Q1      Q2      Q3     Q4      Q5
      (CLOSEST)                     (FURTHEST)
Beta    -.02    -.06    -.06   -.05     -.04
pvalue  (ns)    (05)    (01)    (ns)     (05)
O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = - Speficifation by income
        Q1      Q2      Q3     Q4       Q5
     (poorest)                      (richest)
Beta    -.07    -.05    -.06   -.03    -.03
pvalue  (ns)    (05)    (05)   (ns)    (ns)
O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = - Speficifation by self-belief suvial

         Q1      Q2      Q3     Q4       Q5
      (lowest)                       (highest)
Beta    -.09    -.02    -.04   -.06    -.02
pvalue  (05)    (01)    (ns)   (01)    (ns)
O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = - Speficifation by cognitive function

         Q1      Q2      Q3     Q4       Q5
      (lowest)                       (highest)
Beta    -.03    -.02    -.06   -.06    -.08
pvalue  (ns)    (ns)    (01)   (05)    (01)
O-SLu-u-sq-n-11-c Beta = - Speficifation by type of pension entilement
- Public & private   Beta: -.03 (01)
- Private only       Beta: -.01 (ns)
- Public only        Beta: -.07 (01)

Betas controlled for:
- married
- working
- education
- age
- chronic disease
- household income
- home ownership
- year, country and their interation