Study Heeren (1969): study US 1967
- Public
- Male undergraduates, University of Kansas, USA, 1967
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 103
- Non Response
- 5% incomplete information.
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
- Authors's Label
- Affectioness of parents
- Our Classification
- Operationalization
- 1. Having an affectionate father:
Closed question rated on a 5-point
scale detached and aloof / quite
openly affectionate
2. Having an affectionate mother:
Closed question rated on a 5-point
scale detached and aloof / quite
openly affectionate
3. Close relationship with father:
Closed question rated on a 5-point
scale not close at all / very close
4. Warmth and spontaneousness of
motherf: Closed question rated on
a 9-point scale very cool and res-
trained / moderately so / very warm
and spontaneous