Study Richardson & Kilty (1991): study US Ohio 1986
- Public
- Reterees Ohio USA, followed 1 year, 1986-1987
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 222
- Non Response
- 11.2
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Mail and telphone interview
- Authors's Label
- Jaslow Morale Scale
- Our Classification
- Error Estimates
- Reliability coefficient=0.64
- Remarks
- T1: Pre-retirement T2: Retired: 6 months later T3: Retired:12 months later
- Distribution
T1: M=17.68, SD=3.45
T2: M=17.36, SD=3.49
T3: M=16.77, SD=3.52 - Operationalization
- Selfreported on 3 questions
A: As you get older, you are less useful (agree or disagree)
B: You have as much pep as you did last year (agree or disagree)
C: As you get older, would you say things are better, worse or the same as you thought they would be.
Each question rated on 7-point scale.
6 the highest moral
0 the lowest moral