Study Moller (1985): study ZA 1984
- Public
- Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 253
- Non Response
- Assessment
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
open- and closed-ended questions. The fieldwork was carried out by three Zulu male research assistants. The fieldworkers spent up to several weeks in any of the research areas to make a detailed study of living conditions of the rural communities.
- Authors's Label
- Activity index
- Our Classification
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question:
"Which of the following activities do you do often, sometimes,very seldom or never?"
a: Physical
-Walk to places
-Work on your land
-Do odd jobs
-Go to the shops/market
-Go to town
b: Solitary
-Just sit and think about things
-Do handcrafts
c: Social
-Visit with friends
-Drink with friends
-Play games
-Go to parties, feasts,weddings, funerals, etc.
d: Cultural, socio-political
-Engage in religious activities/ church meetings
-Attend community meetings
Index caculated according to frequency of activities and divided into three groups:
3: more active
Observed Relation with Happiness
Beta controlled for:
-satisfaction with health
-higher affluence rating
-need to purchase maize
-grows cash crop
-religious traditionalist
-has a confidant
-keeps goats
-higher monthly income
-worked for many years in jobs
-retired for many years
-no desire to return to work
-agrees: modern community leader
Beta controlled for:
-seldom restricted by poor health
-higher affluence rating
-need to purchase maize
-grows cash crop
-religious traditionalist
-keeps chickens
-has a confidant
-higher standard house
-keeps goats
-larger size field
-higher monthly income
-no desire to return to work
Beta controlled for:
-satisfied with health
-voluntary retirement
-no pension income
-has a confidant
-higher standard house
-community elder
-satisfied with job while working
-enjoys aspects of retirement
-retired suddenly
-is happy as grandparents were
-agrees:planning is key to success in life
-preference for entrepreneurship in retirement
-higher modernity score