Study Nguyen et al. (2020): study AU 2001
- Public
- 55-75 aged adults, Australia, followed 17 years, 2001-2018
- Survey name
- AU-HILDA combined waves
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 7568
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Retirement status
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- followed 17 years, from 2001-2018 (T1-T18)
- Distribution
- 1: 55.8%, 0:44.2%
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Retired defined as "not in the labour force at the survey time"
I retired
0 non-retired
Observed Relation with Happiness
non-retired M = 8.04
b-fix controlled for
- age, age squared
- migration status
- aboriginal status
- education
- marital status
- number of household members at various age groups
- home ownership status
- state/territory dummies
- survey year
- survey quarters
- local socio-economic background variables
- regional unemployment rates
- an index of relative socio-economic advantage/disadvantage
- a metropolitan dummy
- 0 year b-IV-F = +1.0(01)
- 1 year b-IV-F = +.81(01)
- 2 year b-IV-F = +.50(05)
- 3 year b-IV-F = +.32(ns)
- 4 year b-IV-F = +.04(ns)
- 5 year b-IV-F = +.08(ns)
- 6 year b-IV-F = +.29(ns)
- 7 year b-IV-F = -.02(ns)
Female b-IV-F = +1.4(01)
non-married b-IV-F = +1.1(10)
School year 12 or below b-IV-F = +.82(05)
White collar b-IV-F = +1.3(05)
Bottom income tercile b-IV-F = +1.3(05)
Similar for analyses
- different retirement definition used
- retired completely from the labor force
- excluding "not in the the labor force marginally"from retirement
- weekly working hours
- including age cubed
- including general physical health
- including general mental health
- including disabled condition
- including non-wage income
- including different age bandwidth
- 5 years around the pension eligibility age
- 4 years around the pension eligibility age
- 3 years around the pension eligibility age
Figure note:
Results for different sub-populations are obtained from separate FE-IV regressions. The (red) triangles indicate the retirement coefficient estimate (and its 95% confidence interval) in the regression for the sub-population mentioned on the yy axis while the(black) circles represent the estimate for the other sub-population. The solid (dash) vertical line shows the retirement coefficient (95% confidence interval) estimates for the whole population.