Study Kamp Dush et al. (2008): study US 1980 /1
- Public
- Married people, USA, followed 20 years 1980-2000
- Survey name
- US-Longitudinal study Instability of marriage over life course
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 2034
- Non Response
- 53% at wave 6
- Assessment
- Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
- Authors's Label
- Equal decision making
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Assessed at each wave. T1-T6 difference: 20 years
- Distribution
- Range= 0-1, M= 0.50
- Operationalization
- Self report on open question:
Overall, considering all the kinds of decisions you two make, does your spouse more often have the final word, or do you?’’
1: shared decision-making
0:dominance by one spouse.
Observed Relation with Happiness
b-fix controled for CHANGE in
- children below age 18 in household
- marital happiness
- family income
- use of public assistance
- wife ermployed full time
- husband share of household work
- traditional gender attitudes
- traditional marriage attitudes