
Correlational findings

Study Chen et al. (2005): study JP 1999

9-10 aged children followed 3 years, Japan 1999-2002
Survey name
JP-Toyama Birth Cohort Study
N = 7794
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Preference for physical activity
Our Classification
Error Estimates
T1-T2 correspondence r=+,33
Assessed at T1 and T2 with 3 year difference
N= 4: 3609(46,3)%;   3: 3102 (39,8)%; 2:1013(13,0)% ;1:70 (0,9)%
Self report on question on preference for physical activity:
4: like very much
3: like
2:not like

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a OR = + p < .05 T1 Like physical activity very much by T2 happiness

vs like          OR = 1,28 CI95[1,16-1,41]
vs Not like      OR = 1,62 CI95[1,40-1,88]
vs Dislike       OR = 1,50 CI95[0,91-2,48]
OR no controls
O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a OR = + p < .05 T1 Like very much PA by T2 happiness

vs like          OR = 1,25 CI95[1,12-1,38]
vs Not like      OR = 1,62 CI95[1,40-1,90]
vs Dis like      OR = 1,38 CI95[0,81-2,35]
OR controlled for
- age
- sexe
- T1 BMI
O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a D% = - T1 preference PA by T2 happiness
                  %happy  %unhappy difference
- Like very much  45,6    54,4      -39,2
- Like            39,5    60,5      -21,0   
- Not like        34,1    65,9      -31,8
- Dis like        35,8    64,2      -28,4
O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a D% = - T1-T2 CHANGE preference PA by T2 happiness
                   %happy  %unhappy difference
- Remained Like       45,7  54,3     -8,4
- Like to dislike     24,3  75,7     -51,4
- Dislike to like     39,5  60,5     -21,0
- Remained not like   26,1  73,9     -47,8
O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a OR = + p < .05 T1-T2 CHANGE preference PA by T2 happiness

Remained  like
vs Like to dislike    OR = 2,62 CI95[2,24-3,07]
vs Dislike to like    OR = 1,29 CI95[1,09-1,52]
vs Remained dislike   OR = 2,38 CI95[1,90-2,99]
OR not controlled
O-QOL-cm-sq-v-5-a OR = + p < .05 T1-T2 CHANGE preference PA by T2 happiness

Remained  like
vs Like to dislike    OR = 2,54 CI95[2,17-2,98]
vs Dislike to like    OR = 1,28 CI95[1,09-1,51]
vs Remained dislike   OR = 2,35 CI95[1,87-2,94]
OR controled for
- age
- sexe
- T1 BMI

T1-T2 difference: 3 years