Study Ahn (2005): study ES 1999
- Public
- Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003
- Survey name
- Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 30000
- Non Response
- Assessment
not reported
- Authors's Label
- Spouse's labor market status
- Our Classification
- Distribution
0: Male: 28%; Female 78%
1a: Male 5% ; Female 8%
1b: Male 0%: Female 8%
1c: Male: 66%; Female 6% - Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- 0 = Work
1a = Unemployed
1b = Retired
1c = Others
Observed Relation with Happiness
0 Work 7,170 7,140
1a Unemployed 6,912 6,354
1b Retired 7,152 6,859
1c Other 6,948 6,777
1a: MALE b =0,064(ns); FEMALE b = -0,420 (.05)
1b: MALE b =0,391(ns); FEMALE b = 0,145 (ns)
1c: MALE b =-0,03(ns); FEMALE b = -0,217 (ns)
reference category = 0
b adjusted for age, education, year of survey, principal housekeeper, association with social cluub, income,hours of work, sector and contract type, commuting time, hours preferred, wage adequacy, job evaluation