Study Dyrbye et al. (2016): study US 2012
- Public
- Physicians, USA, 2012
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 279
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)
- Authors's Label
- Online intervention on wellbeing
- Our Classification
- Distribution
1: N = 145 (analyzed n = 137),
0: N = 145 (analyzed n = 142) - Operationalization
- Participants were randomly assigned to:
During 10 weeks participants weekly received a menu of 5-6 tasks and were asked to select and complete one task of their choosing weekly. Tasks were: reflection on meaningful experience, writing a thank-you letter, plan an outing, recognizing personal strenghts, problem solving and consider three good things they are grateful for. In addition to tasks, each week surveys had to be completed.
Participants only completed weekly surveys during 10 weeks
Observed Relation with Happiness
Intervention 6,8 7,3 +0,5
Control 6,8 7,3 +0,5
- Intervention vs Control 0,0
Intervention +5,0%
Control +5,0%
- Intervention vs Control 0,0%
Happiness assessed at:
T0: baseline
T1: end of study 10 weeks later