Study Arvin & Lew (2010): study ZZ World samples 1982
- Public
- Adult general public, 194 nations, 1982-2004
- Survey name
- INT-World Database of Happiness Pooled surveys from different programs
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 10000
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Multiple assesment methods
- Authors's Label
- Foreign aid donated by nation
- Our Classification
- Remarks
- Aid flow from donor to receipient countries in natural logarithm of GDP in nominal value in year. Source: OECD stat online database 2009
- Distribution
- N = 1: 29, 0: 52
- Operationalization
- 1: Donor countries of foreign aid
0: Recipient countries of foreign aid
Size of aid = (received minis provided)/received
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Donor nations M = 7,78
- Receipient nations M = 5,52
difference +2,26
Means computed by WDH-team from table 2
b (+.053) controled for (in log/year):
- characteristics of donor countries
- GDP nominal
- GDP real
- population size
- characteristics of receipient countries
- GDP nominal
- GDP real
- population size
- share in aid received from other donor countries
- further country characteristics
- distance between capital citiesd in nation
- countigious WHAT IS THAT?
- similarity of donor and receipient country
- same language
- minority with same language
- history of colonail relationship
- colony after 1945
- happinbess in receipiuent country
- Recipient need (RN) variables
- Unemployment in recipient country
- Inflation in recipient country
2SLS method is in line with OLS results. Donor happiness goes significantly with aid amount.