
Correlational findings

Study Arvin & Lew (2010): study ZZ World samples 1982

Adult general public, 194 nations, 1982-2004
Survey name
INT-World Database of Happiness Pooled surveys from different programs
N = 10000
Non Response
Multiple assesment methods


Authors's Label
Foreign aid donated by nation
Our Classification
Aid flow from donor to receipient countries in natural logarithm of GDP in nominal value in year. Source: OECD stat online database 2009
N = 1: 29, 0: 52
1: Donor countries of foreign aid
0: Recipient countries of foreign aid

Size of aid =  (received minis provided)/received

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLV-*-sq-nt-11-a DM = + AVERAGE happiness in  nations 1982-2004
- Donor nations       M = 7,78
- Receipient nations  M = 5,52
difference               +2,26

Means computed by WDH-team from table 2
O-SLV-*-sq-nt-11-a b = +.05 ns AVERAGE happiness in nations by SIZE of foreign aid provided over the years 1982-2004

b (+.053) controled for (in log/year):
- characteristics of donor countries
  - GDP nominal
  - GDP real
  - population size
- characteristics of receipient countries
  - GDP nominal
  - GDP real
  - population size
  - share in aid received from other donor countries
- further country characteristics
  - distance between capital citiesd in nation
  - countigious WHAT IS THAT?
  - similarity of donor and receipient country
    - same language
    - minority with same language
    - history of colonail relationship
    - colony after 1945
O-SLV-*-sq-nt-11-a b = +.52 p < .01 b (+.515) additionally controled for
- happinbess in receipiuent country
O-SLV-*-sq-nt-11-a b = +.34 p < .05 b (+.336) additionally controlled for:
- Recipient need (RN) variables
  - Unemployment in recipient country
  - Inflation in recipient country

2SLS method is in line with OLS results. Donor happiness goes significantly with aid amount.