
Correlational findings

Study Lin (2016): study CN Shenyang, liaoning 2011

17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 1003
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Monthly income
Our Classification
1: lower than average in city
2: higher than average in city

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b DM = - - 1: lower than average in city    M = 6,14
2: higher than average in city   M = 6,94
- difference                        +0,80
O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b r = +.17 p < .+.01 O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b b = +.05 ns b controled for:
- objective factors
  - residenvce of origin
  - education
- subjective factors
  - satisfaction with life domains
    - education
    - employ1nent
    - living environment
    - family relationships
    - health conditions
    - social activities
    - family
  - positive views
    - optimistic about future
    - living condition near expectation
    - not forced to act against wish
    - social respect, not looked down
    - income secure
- social quality factors
  - socio-economic security: material standard of living
  - social cohesion: trust in people
  - social inclusion: access to services
  - social empowerment: voting, memberships, expres opinions