
Correlational findings

Study Lin (2016): study CN Shenyang, liaoning 2011

17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 1003
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Origin of residence
Our Classification
Related specification variables
Origin of residence
a. Local urban
b. Local rural
c. Migrant urban
d. Migrant rural

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b DM = - - a. Local urban     M = 6,59
b. Local rural     M = 7,09
c. Migrant urban   M = 6,30
d. Migrant rural   M = 5,94
O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b r = +.1 p < .+.01 O-HL-g-sq-n-10-b b = +.25 ns b controled for:
- objective factors
  - income
  - education
- subjective factors
  - satisfaction with life domains
    - education
    - employ1nent
    - living environment
    - family relationships
    - health conditions
    - social activities
    - family
  - positive views
    - optimistic about future
    - living condition near expectation
    - not forced to act against wish
    - social respect, not looked down
    - income secure
- social quality factors
  - socio-economic security: material standard of living
  - social cohesion: trust in people
  - social inclusion: access to services
  - social empowerment: voting, memberships, expres opinions